2019 Dentium World Forum in Istanbul

MARCH 23 (Sat)
Lecture 09:30 ~ 11:00 (90’)
Dr. Çağrı Ural Digital workflow on implant prosthesis; Digital measurements
11:00 ~ 12:00 Setting
Lecture 12:00 ~ 13:30 (90’)
Dr. Aliakbar Khoshkhnejad Timing in implant dentistry is one of the main factors that can significantly affect the outcome of treatment
09:30 ~ 10:40 (70’)
Dr. Jasbrinder S. Teja Ridge split and implant placement in deficient alveolar ridge
10:40 ~ 11:10 Coffee Break
11:10 ~ 12:10 (60’)
13:10 ~ 14:20 (70’)
Dr. Roland Török Hard and Soft Tissue Management in the Sinus Region
14:20 ~ 14:50 Coffee Break
14:50 ~ 15:50 (60’)

MARCH 24 (Sun)
09:00 ~ 09:10 (10’)
Dr. Mete Fanusucu Opening Announcement
09:10 ~ 10:00 (50’)
Dr. Jasbrinder S. Teja Maintaining tissue architecture in immediate implant placement
10:00 ~ 10:50 (50’)
Dr. Sung-Min Chung Practical Digital Transformation
10:50 ~ 11:10 (20’) Coffee Break
11:10 ~ 12:20 (70’)
Prof. Hernandez Alfaro Management of bone atrophy. A comprehensive approach
Afternoon Session
12:20 ~ 13:20 (60’) Lunch
13:20 ~ 14:10 (50’)
Prof. Ui-Won Jung Less Invasive Sinus Augmentation Procedure using a Hybrid Technique: Long-term Evidence & Human Autopsy Case
14:10 ~ 15:00 (50’)
Dr. Mete Fanusucu Immediate loading in Posterior
15:00 ~ 15:20 (20’) Coffee Break
15:20 ~ 16:20 (60’)
Dr. Roland Török Screw Guided Bone Regeneration, The Benefits using CBCT in the Daily Work
16:20 ~ 17:20 (60’)
Dr. Ateş Parlar Management of Soft Tissue Problems Around Implants: Esthetic and Functional Aspects
17:20 ~ 17:30 (10’) Closure

Inquiries and registration at the office@dentium.hu email address or on mobile number +3670 6298369.
Seats are limited. Pre registration is required.


márc 23 - 24 2019


9:30 am - 5:30 pm



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